
Exploration of a city today is lost in a sense, but expanded in another. The heavy and prevalent reliance on digital communication has altered urban movement and interaction, an alteration from spontaneity to orchestration. In the contemporary world especially, time is the currency. We want to be here at this time so we can have lunch there then catch a cab in time for that. We no longer envision the city as grids and blocks, but as bee lines and time sheets. Consequently, with the plethora of information that is available through internet crowdsourcing, we can explore the city in ways we would have never thought of solely through word-of-mouth.

How will urbanism evolve if we continue to be guided by the light of technology? Will every establishment and phenomena founded on spur-of-the-moment wandering and exploration be lost and turn the city into hotspots of five-star yelp storefronts and vacancies in between?