
Reading Responses

April 16, 2014 - 2:25pm

[photo by Garry Winogrand]

I'm going to break up this reading response into two parts: a reaction to some direct statements Becker makes, and a parallel with the discussion from this week's theory II class.

I took a photojournalism class in undergrad, in which we learned a bit about technique and a lot about the history and certain standout figures in the field. A lot...

April 9, 2014 - 3:23pm

In “(Re)Presenting the Street,” Rubin challenges conventional notions of city planning that mistakenly perceive the city as singular object that can be ‘fixed’ as such. He proposes an alternative way of examining the “street as a diverse social space” which exists in a “jarring, fragmented succession of images and encounters that characterize the lived experience of the modern city” through...

April 2, 2014 - 2:37pm

Guy Debord’s writings bring up psychological perceptions of the environment and manifests his ideas through his development of the derive. The derive itself is a paradox, combining subjective and objective methods of observation and interpretation. It emphasizes entrances and exits, something I find surprisingly astute since those are the things we look for most often in an urban setting....

March 26, 2014 - 3:41pm

Emily Bell
The Crimes of the Flaneur, Tom McDonough

McDonough opens up for us a duality with which we all may be mutely aware in our own interactions in the city coming upon strangers in the street. The flaneur has assumed changing roles in the city according to normative models in the city. In particular, McDonough will identify the flaneur as both detective and as criminal...

March 26, 2014 - 3:15pm

“Poe was one of the greatest technicians of modern literature.” (Benjamin, 42)

“Poe's famous tale 'The Man of the Crowd' is something like the X-ray picture of a detective story. In it, the drapery represented by crime has disappeared. The mere armature has remained: the pursuer, the crowd, and an unknown man who arranges his walk through London in such a way that he...

Discussion Questions

April 16, 2014 - 2:28pm

In reference to my reading response on the Becker reading this week, I bring this us:

April 8, 2014 - 7:15pm

The idea of understanding Urbanism as “plural experience and not a singular event” allows somewhat unfinished yet more accurate representation of reality; the observation of the cultural landscape and the personal and subjective narratives of the flaneur both become important tools to witness and express moments of interaction.

April 2, 2014 - 3:11pm

There has been a notable shift in the approach to planning from modernist thinking (Le Corbusier and those influenced by his thinking such as Robert Moses) to later approaches such as the Smithsons from Team 10 and today (New Urbanists for example) - the former approached urban interventions from above (a studio set up in a hotel suite thirty floors above the ground), whereas the latter...

April 2, 2014 - 3:04pm

The readings and assignment explore the interesting subject of the derive. I have to admit, I am skeptical to the value of this method for its practical applications to urban design. I did enjoy my derive as an extended "vacation" within the city, exploring places I would not have gone or taking routes for no reason.

April 2, 2014 - 1:20pm

I his essay McDonough comments on Guy Debord's "The Naked City", a diagrammatic map showing the multitude of potential ambulatory connections between fragmentary parts of Paris. The fragments are parts of "localized space", cohesive realms with similar "atmospheres".


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 4:03pm

Bill de Cossy, legendary New Haven architect and protege of Paul Rudolph, relates a Crown Street story from the early 1960s.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 4:01pm

“As a little kid, I navigated Crown Street, all the way up and down.” 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 4:00pm

Puma remembers the Peoples’ Arts Collective.  Stella Blues, another favorite place.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 3:58pm
Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 3:55pm

“It’s more honest.”  “Chapel sucks.”  “There’s a certain atmosphere … “ 

Photography Series

February 12, 2014 - 11:25am
February 5, 2014 - 3:31pm
February 5, 2014 - 3:26pm


February 5, 2014 - 3:11pm

Snow is the detective that exposes urbanism. It filters the followers from the pathfinders. We see and feel it, yet it is gone in a moment.

February 5, 2014 - 2:20pm

Diagrams and Maps

March 10, 2014 - 12:20am

Cortez Crosby, Brittany Browne Hayes, and Chris Seifert developed this rendering of program across Crown Street in 2012. 

Color Code:  Grey-Vacant; Orange-Residential; Yellow-Institutional; Red-Restaurant; Brown-Nightlife/Entertainment/Bar; Dark Green-Parking;Light Green-Business; Turquoise-Retail

The diagram indicates four distinct zones of activity, with a connection drawn...

February 26, 2014 - 6:02pm
February 26, 2014 - 3:31pm

on Crown

February 26, 2014 - 3:25pm
February 26, 2014 - 3:10pm

Urban Dérive

by Anonymous (not verified)
April 4, 2014 - 5:15pm

by Tiffany Hockin and Stefan Thorsteinsson

April 3, 2014 - 12:54pm

Friday Night on Crown Street provides a soundscape rich with experiences

Produced by Tyler Pertman and Amy Su

April 2, 2014 - 3:07pm

Crown Street Studies

May 3, 2014 - 4:58pm

A Narrative Script

by Teo Quintana and Violette de la Selle


How to get to know Crown Street? Nine blocks long, this New Haven Street offers an impressive array of disparate conditions. Quietly residential at one end, nearly abandoned at the other, and bustling with various forms of commerce and nightlife...
May 3, 2014 - 3:39pm

A Narrative Script

May 3, 2014 - 3:33pm

A Narrative Script of Crown Street 

May 2, 2014 - 2:54pm
Urban Platform
New Haven is a city known for its historic planning, picturesque churches, famous parks, Gothic architecture, secret societies, pizza restaurants, and Yale University.  New Haven is also known for its parking garages.  
They’re huge.  They’re monolithic.  They’re...
May 2, 2014 - 1:54pm

Parking as Power: Cinegraphic Analysis of Crown St.

Crown Street is in constant dialog with its parking  infrastructures. As the mediator between the city and the highway, Crown Street must interface with both its urban as  well as service identity. The parking structures offer a frame of   reference but also offer a unique street presence in a nuanced and complex...